Saturday, January 31, 2009

We just received the following E-mail from our co-workers in Klosterneuburg.

"We returned to Austria on Dec. 30 and are getting more and more settled back into life and ministry here in Vienna. Our time in the US was quite productive, but it is good to be “home.”

Just a little piece of encouragement: yesterday we went to our first Klosterneuburg worship service since getting back here. There were only about a dozen of us, but it was a nice atmosphere. Fritz gave his first sermon.

We also had a guest. Evidently it was Michelle´s second time there. She found out about us through the webpage and came on her own!! Michelle´s visits are yet another ongoing impact of your time here."

It is exciting to see God use what He enabled us to do, in partnership with you. Fritz is preaching and a guest through the website. Your coming alongside us in prayer and financially, your gifts and prayers will continue paying dividends for years and centuries to come. This is the sort of investment that won't be affected by any economic crisis.

Please continue praying for our brothers and sisters in Austria and the church in Klosterneuburg.

Encouraged, Tim and Jennifer

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