Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prayer for Europe

“The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” Andrew Murray

Well, with these words allow me to invite all of you to join us on October 23rd for a day of prayer for Europe.
Our desire is to see more than 10,000 of God’s saints go to their knees for the continent of Europe. Our earnest prayer is that the Lord would lay open the fields, bring them to harvest, protect the workers and make His name great among the peoples of Europe.
There are many people groups in Europe today, the nationals, the immigrants and the refugees. Each one of them needs to hear about the love of Christ.

On the 23rd, Greater Europe Mission will provide a virtual prayer format on our website (http://www.gemission.org/Pray/Strategic.asp). This site will take you on virtual tours through the countries of Europe with information which will aid you in praying for specific needs.

Please join us for this day, plan it into your calendars, invite other friends and watch with us as the Lord turns the tide of Europe.


On another note: Thank you everybody for your prayers about our car situation in Austria. In addition to Tim’s communication with the police, our former insurance broker in Kloeterneuburg went to the police in our stead. Between the two, the police have gotten on top of the cars new owner. He will have to pay for his ticket, he also has a week to get the cat transferred to his own name and make things right. Please keep praying as we are also trying to figure out the phone situation in Austria. The same people that moved into our house and bought the car, took over our phone line, and now I’m still receiving the bills.
Thank you saints for praying.

Sending you all our love, Tim and Jennifer White

Friday, September 26, 2008

Prayer needed

We would covet your prayers.

As we wrapped things up in Austria we were down to the wire and so as we sold the car to the person that moved into our house, we handed him the keys, the car and the license plates. He was going to need the plates to unregister the car and reregister it in his own name.
Unfortunately it appears he has not done so yet. I received a speeding ticket from September 14th. We´ve been her since August 12th. Also, because of a mix up in paper work, I seem to still be paying his phone bills.
I am communicating with the police in Austria right now and trying to get it all straightened out.
Please pray that these things will be resolved very quickly and without much cost.

Thanks, Tim and Jennifer

Friday, September 19, 2008

Container arrived

Hey everyone.

Wahooooo, is an expression of excitement.
Our container arrived yesterday afternoon. We were thankful that in spite of the last minute notice of its arrival that we had 6 people from the home office, able to come and help.

We had two hours to empty the truck and got it done. We were all thoroughly exhausted and those of us not getting any younger are feeling it today. Praise the Lord that everything arrived in one piece. It feels good to have beds to sleep on again, a couch to collapse into when the day is over and toys for the kids.

Thanks for your prayers in this.
Tim and Jennifer

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Check out this Video

Hey everyone.

We are still waiting for our container. Hopefully we will see it this week. Continue praying that it will arrive and we can get it unloaded safely.
I wanted to share a video with you about a ministry team GEM sent to London this year.
Check it out.


From Tim, Jennifer, Connor, Katya, Marika

Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome to our Blog

Hi, we have finally decided to join the many others who Blog rather than send out E-mail updates. So here we are. While there is a hardcopy letter being sent, within the next week, with a new prayer card, we wanted to catch you up here as well.

Tim has begun working at the office and is enjoying his new work. He has already been on the road a lot, meeting with schools and churches. We find ourselves in exciting times at Greater Europe Mission. You may, or may not be aware that we have had a new president (Henry Deneen), since last year. He has come in with fresh vigor and is focusing our mission on new work ahead of us in Europe. We will continue ministering to Europeans at every level of evangelism, church planting and education. In addition we are planning on sending 100 new missionaries to Europe within the next two years. These missionaries will be engaged with immigrant Muslims throughout Europe. We hope to reach the ever growing Muslim population in Europe, with the gospel. Currently there are about 2.1 million Muslims in Germany, every 5th person in Vienna is a Muslim and if the rate of growth continues in England, the Island will become almost completely Muslim within the next 10 years. Our initial targets for this new initiative are France, Spain, Morocco, Germany and Turkey.

Please pray for us as a Mission in these new initiatives as put the immigrants of Europe firmly in our sights. Please also pray for Tim in his new duties as he visits churches, schools and individuals, seeking to be an ambassador of the Lord in linking individuals with the opportunity to serve in Europe.

We are finishing up this weekend preparing 6 more young people for ministry in Sweden.
Please pray for them as they head out over the next 6-8 months.

Please continue to pray for our family as we settle in to our new home and life here in Colorado. Please also pray that our container will arrive soon so we can enjoy sitting and sleeping on furniture again. J

We look forward to keeping you better informed through our Blog from here on out. Please let us know if you have any problems accessing the Blog.

For His Kingdom to the Europeans