Hey everyone.
Thanks for your many inquiries, no I have sadly not yet found my glasses.
Right now I am hoping that I will in fact be able to get out on my flight and to Illinois today. Our area in Colorado has been pounded by a winter storm for the past two days. We’ve gotten at least 15” of wet and heavy snow.
If I’m able to get out today I will be at Fox Valley Bible Church on Sunday, April 19th and at Wheaton Bible Church May 3rd.
Look forward to seeing a number of you while I’m back. This trip is an important one for us as it serves two purposes. One is that I will be attending a conference the weekend of the 28th for GEM. The second is to hopefully raise some more support.
Please be praying for travel safety
Please pray that as a coach at the conference I will be used by God to aid young people in their decisions making processes
Please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom and contacts and enable me to raise the financial support we still need.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
For any of you Jazz lovers out there. A friend of ours, (Deanna Witkowski: Liturgical Jazz) from Wheaton College just did an interview with NPR radio about her new Sacred Jazz CD out in time for Easter (now past, sorry). Check it out.

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