“The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” Andrew Murray
Well, with these words allow me to invite all of you to join us on October 23rd for a day of prayer for Europe.
Our desire is to see more than 10,000 of God’s saints go to their knees for the continent of Europe. Our earnest prayer is that the Lord would lay open the fields, bring them to harvest, protect the workers and make His name great among the peoples of Europe.
There are many people groups in Europe today, the nationals, the immigrants and the refugees. Each one of them needs to hear about the love of Christ.
On the 23rd, Greater Europe Mission will provide a virtual prayer format on our website (http://www.gemission.org/Pray/Strategic.asp). This site will take you on virtual tours through the countries of Europe with information which will aid you in praying for specific needs.
Please join us for this day, plan it into your calendars, invite other friends and watch with us as the Lord turns the tide of Europe.
On another note: Thank you everybody for your prayers about our car situation in Austria. In addition to Tim’s communication with the police, our former insurance broker in Kloeterneuburg went to the police in our stead. Between the two, the police have gotten on top of the cars new owner. He will have to pay for his ticket, he also has a week to get the cat transferred to his own name and make things right. Please keep praying as we are also trying to figure out the phone situation in Austria. The same people that moved into our house and bought the car, took over our phone line, and now I’m still receiving the bills.
Thank you saints for praying.
Sending you all our love, Tim and Jennifer White
Well, with these words allow me to invite all of you to join us on October 23rd for a day of prayer for Europe.
Our desire is to see more than 10,000 of God’s saints go to their knees for the continent of Europe. Our earnest prayer is that the Lord would lay open the fields, bring them to harvest, protect the workers and make His name great among the peoples of Europe.
There are many people groups in Europe today, the nationals, the immigrants and the refugees. Each one of them needs to hear about the love of Christ.
On the 23rd, Greater Europe Mission will provide a virtual prayer format on our website (http://www.gemission.org/Pray/Strategic.asp). This site will take you on virtual tours through the countries of Europe with information which will aid you in praying for specific needs.
Please join us for this day, plan it into your calendars, invite other friends and watch with us as the Lord turns the tide of Europe.
On another note: Thank you everybody for your prayers about our car situation in Austria. In addition to Tim’s communication with the police, our former insurance broker in Kloeterneuburg went to the police in our stead. Between the two, the police have gotten on top of the cars new owner. He will have to pay for his ticket, he also has a week to get the cat transferred to his own name and make things right. Please keep praying as we are also trying to figure out the phone situation in Austria. The same people that moved into our house and bought the car, took over our phone line, and now I’m still receiving the bills.
Thank you saints for praying.
Sending you all our love, Tim and Jennifer White