A friend of mine and I were talking yesterday, mixing depth of life experience and humor in our rumorings of each of our present situations. In a deep theological moment he described life as taking the long way home. Some of you may recognize those words from the deeply insightful and wise theological society known as the band, Supertramp (song: Take the long way home). But as I continued to ponder this thought and where life has taken us and wondering where else it may lead, I wondered if that’s what this life is about for those who love and embrace Christ. (thanks Rob)
We are all on a journey ‘home’. This world, these toils and struggles are temporary. Even if we wind up in a box under an overpass, we don’t belong here, we are on our way home. We are just taking the long way around, but how else will we grow into Christ-likeness?
On this road we are going to encounter roadblocks, mountains, valleys and many other obstacles. During this ‘road trip’ it is important to notice when someone or something shows up as part of Gods plan to create in us that Christ-likeness through relationship or through suffering. Unfortunately the truth is that we can become so preoccupied with all we have to do that we look right through people and past situations and fail to see their significance. Seeing those people and situations God would use to reshape our lives does not happen automatically. Christ-likeness is intentional and it cannot be rushed.
The most difficult thing on this long way home is the look inward, that ‘Dark night of the Soul’ where we encounter our sinfulness and come face to face with it. And for each individual this comes at a different stage of life and perhaps repeatedly. However, the glorious and most wonderful thing about this deep dark night is that we stand on the promise of Romans 8:1, there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION. We are not condemned, and anyone who teaches sin without grace is distorting the Gospel and speaks out of pride. God is all about grace as we discover the darkest, most deceitful recesses of our selves on this long way home. Yes, we will be convicted of our sin, but as we breath out the sin, in the same breath we breath in the grace of God and don’t live condemned. Condemnation is a lie of the enemy and he would have us remain immobile on the road home.
As I’ve read the e-mails of a friend this year who has struggled with cancer, I have listened to her journey as she has gone deeper with the Lord on her long way home. She asked to become more Christ-like and through suffering is going deeper. The hand of God, in grace has held her and she is healing. Each one of us is on this path, each in a different way, each at a different stage. Know that God is there, that he loves us all and is walking with us on this long way home.
May He bless you as your journey continues in 2009 and may you go deeper.
The Whites
We are all on a journey ‘home’. This world, these toils and struggles are temporary. Even if we wind up in a box under an overpass, we don’t belong here, we are on our way home. We are just taking the long way around, but how else will we grow into Christ-likeness?
On this road we are going to encounter roadblocks, mountains, valleys and many other obstacles. During this ‘road trip’ it is important to notice when someone or something shows up as part of Gods plan to create in us that Christ-likeness through relationship or through suffering. Unfortunately the truth is that we can become so preoccupied with all we have to do that we look right through people and past situations and fail to see their significance. Seeing those people and situations God would use to reshape our lives does not happen automatically. Christ-likeness is intentional and it cannot be rushed.
The most difficult thing on this long way home is the look inward, that ‘Dark night of the Soul’ where we encounter our sinfulness and come face to face with it. And for each individual this comes at a different stage of life and perhaps repeatedly. However, the glorious and most wonderful thing about this deep dark night is that we stand on the promise of Romans 8:1, there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION. We are not condemned, and anyone who teaches sin without grace is distorting the Gospel and speaks out of pride. God is all about grace as we discover the darkest, most deceitful recesses of our selves on this long way home. Yes, we will be convicted of our sin, but as we breath out the sin, in the same breath we breath in the grace of God and don’t live condemned. Condemnation is a lie of the enemy and he would have us remain immobile on the road home.
As I’ve read the e-mails of a friend this year who has struggled with cancer, I have listened to her journey as she has gone deeper with the Lord on her long way home. She asked to become more Christ-like and through suffering is going deeper. The hand of God, in grace has held her and she is healing. Each one of us is on this path, each in a different way, each at a different stage. Know that God is there, that he loves us all and is walking with us on this long way home.
May He bless you as your journey continues in 2009 and may you go deeper.
The Whites